I spent the last 6 months learning organic and viral marketing. Steal my ideas if you want an extra 10k visitors to your website!

Hello everyone.

Skip the intro if you're not interested!

I'm Jay, the founder of 24 Hour Designs. We're a design agency, that focuses on creating high-quality designs for our clients. I recently moved from Los Angeles to France and found it difficult to maintain an "offline" presence like I did in the past. As this was the primary driver of business, I needed to make an adjustment.

In December of 2023, I decided to dedicate the next 2-3 months to learning various platforms like Linkedin, X (Twitter), Reddit, Quora, Slack Communities, Pinterest, Instagram, and TikTok. Really anything that could add value to my business.

After about 3 months I started to find success. Between all of the platforms I tested, I was averaging 20,000+ views each day for my business. This created some traffic, but minor. Fast forward to today, and that number now exceeds 665,000 views per day between Linkedin, Reddit, X (Twitter), and Pinterest.

I dwindled down my list of platforms based on what [is] working. Others worked better in the past, but as things changed, I doubled down on my winners!

Here are my daily tasks:

  1. Social arbitrage. This requires you to take similar pieces of content and share them in different ways on different platforms. For example, you can have 1-post, adjust the hook and closing, and post it in 9 different ways on a single platform (not all at once). Then, you can do the same process, with the same content on another platform. It's a lot of posting, but it gives you an opportunity to learn what works, as an expert might!

  2. Friendly engagement with others. Like, comment, upvote/downvote, and re-post other people's content. Not only does it help them, but they almost always respond back with a thank you, which draws attention back in your direction, the right way

  3. Optimizing your profile will show professionalism, and position your services, without you needing to make any hard sales. If people visit your profile, they will let their own curiosity guide them!

  4. Create utilitarian content daily. It's no different than this post I am creating for you now. You can steal these ideas and apply them to yourself. Who knows, perhaps you'll get 2x - 3x more traffic than I can produce!!!

  5. Go above and beyond if you can. A good example of this is trying to answer someone's question, even if you don't know it. It's not so hard to perform a quick Google search and come back with something. Even if you're wrong, you tried, and people take notice!

In the past, I would spend evenings at tech events, or meetups that were highly niche to meet players in my field. I can no longer do this, and rely on great relationships and referrals! This is also great, but you need to make sure people still know you're alive!

The value of 10,000+ organic users each month

Spending ads is important, and the likely evolution of any business. Before you make a financial commitment, it's great to use that traffic to help you learn a few things. For me, I used tools like Inspectlet, and Hotjar to record sessions (privately). This showed me where users were struggling when they came to my site. When I had the opportunity to see it, I would catch things that needed to be fixed. Sure I spent 2 hours a day working for that traffic, but it saved me a lot of money, as I now move into the ad networks.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Optimizing your funnel - How are users learning about your product or service? Use this opportunity to learn why users are dropping off, as the funnel gets more narrow towards the bottom.

  2. Designing a world-class web experience - What you think is beautiful may not be functional. Watch how users are interacting with your website, and make quick changes if users get stumped and leave!

  3. Conversions - Optimize text, buttons, and pathways that drive users toward your desired action.

  4. Bugs, Testing, and Quality Assurance - Chances are for every support ticket you receive, you're probably not getting 100 more. Even today I tried creating a simple ad on Reddit, and it was impossible. I eventually found a workaround, but there was absolutely no support. Had I not been determined, I would have quit, and not tried again.

  5. Sales, email automation, lost-cart automation, upsells - You will not know if people add to cart, and leave. You may not capture their email. Many things can happen, and opportunities get lost, only because our website isn't built to maintain the attention of a potential buyer! Use this opportunity to maximize sales output!


The tips I provided will only begin to make sense as you start to build, and market for yourself. I highly suggest saving/bookmarking this post. Read it today, come back later, read it again. As time goes along, read it once more. The information will start to click. It will make more sense once you know about all of the options out there.

The products, and projects change, but the processes typically do not, and part of that is because we are dealing with humans on the opposite side of every interaction and experience. Platforms and algorithms will certainly change, you just have to know what those changes are and adjust accordingly!

If you made it this far, I want to say thank you for reading. I detailed a lot of great information here. If you want to take your startup or business to the next to level, check out my latest book!

24 Hour Designs

Helping entrepreneurs around the world build disruptive software through world-class design.




After 50 million views in May, plus 95,000+ Reddit Karma, did any of the organic viral marketing turn into revenue?