How Venture Capital Works (For Beginners)
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How Venture Capital Works (For Beginners)

Venture capital works through a systematic investment process that begins with identifying potential startups, conducting thorough due diligence, and negotiating deal structures to ensure mutual benefit for both investors and startups. This process involves evaluating a company's business model, market potential, and the experience of its management team, which are crucial for determining the likelihood of success and potential returns on investment.

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36 ways to make money online, Offline, and from anywhere in the world (remotely)
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36 ways to make money online, Offline, and from anywhere in the world (remotely)

Making money online, offline, and remotely has never been easier and more accessible. In this article, we teach you how to find clients, build an audience, and implement one of the many trades, and skills you can use to start earning cash online today. No other article will teach you social media marketing strategies to grow your business, once you have chosen the idea, but we do! Start earning todya

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17 Ways to make money Offline (2024)
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17 Ways to make money Offline (2024)

Regardless of what's going on in the economy, if you have the time and energy, you can learn new skills that will help you put your ideas, and hobbies to work. In light of our recent publication (learn more below) 24 Hour Designs, has put together a list of ways to make money offline that are easy, accessible, and super simple to begin. What makes this list any more special than all of the lists we've seen before?

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Product Hunt: A Winning Strategy That No One Asked For (2024)
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Product Hunt: A Winning Strategy That No One Asked For (2024)

Choose your fighter Hunter — A “hunter” is [the] Product Hunt user who submits your product to the platform. Their reputation and reach will impact your launch’s visibility and success. For example, if I post on Reddit with 100,000+ Karma, and someone else posts with only 50,000, or 10,000 karma, the reach is much more likely to be far less. Not just because of Karma, but because I have a history of publishing credible material. Work with someone credible during your launch!

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Agency Owners: Here Are 21 Unique Ways To Consistently Acquire New Clients (2024)
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Agency Owners: Here Are 21 Unique Ways To Consistently Acquire New Clients (2024)

When your new agency is just starting out, a great way to secure clients is by offering discounted services just as I mentioned in my experience provided above. You can do this in exchange for a testimonial (video), or a documented case study, but it also gives you the opportunity to show off how talented you are. Remember, sometimes your clients are apprehensive to start, and you're just giving them a reason to begin. If you did not catch the hint (wink, wink) then I will state it clearly. Be willing to bend (but not break) for clients to start building your portfolio. It will pay you back 10-fold!

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SaaS Startup Tips: How do SaaS companies find customers in 2024?
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SaaS Startup Tips: How do SaaS companies find customers in 2024?


There's never been a better time than now to start a SaaS startup. Whether you intend to focus on the B2B space or B2C, SaaS companies are experiencing extreme customer success. The sheer amount of companies that existed before the pandemic, compared to now is outsized and growing at an amazing scale. Many companies changed their work model, enabling millions of workers to work from home. In order for this to be successful at scale, requires technology to fundamentally support the many workers and their ever-evolving task lists.

Customer success is the primary ingredient for the success of many SaaS startups in 2024. By helping their clients achieve their business goals, customers have been more likely to stay loyal to their favorite SaaS products as they grow and succeed.

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(2024) Getting customer feedback for your saas from
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(2024) Getting customer feedback for your saas from

While being on the recipient end of getting feedback has never been easy, it's also a position that many people would die to be in. If you're capable of persuading complete strangers (organically) to provide you with feedback, for better or worse, it's a win in your situation. Many companies pay well over 6 figures (sometimes 7) annually to have a constant stream of feedback, while others can simply go on Reddit and ask questions that have the potential to go viral. I'm sure Tinder, Hinge, Bumble Inc., and many other applications would love that a simple viral post on Reddit can garner enough feedback to influence change over their winning products. You're welcome (Viral Reddit Post).

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(2024) Getting The First Users for Your SaaS Startup
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(2024) Getting The First Users for Your SaaS Startup

Mainly used for SEO, leveraging a content creation strategy for outbound is a great way for a new SaaS brand to enhance visibility and organic search traffic. Could there potentially be a competitor, or another influential organization willing to allow your startup to publish on their channels? We call this a backlinking strategy, which at times can be expensive, but if available, you should certainly take it. Large organizations like Forbes, Techcrunch,, and others would be a great fit for a new company. Yes, even Youtube videos and influencer channels with great write-ups on their videos can provide a big boost in search rankings thanks to updates to the Google search algorithm.

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Create Content The Pays lifetime royalties
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Create Content The Pays lifetime royalties

I remember being shocked as I looked at my analytics. It had been months since I gave up creating content on my Pinterest account. I saw an advertisement online about Pinterest and thought that I should check back in to see how it's doing. What I saw next shocked me, and taught me a lesson instantaneously that I wish I had known before I started my journey into online marketing.

Once thought to be completely dead, my Pinterest account was actually exploding to the upside. To me, that's not even the part that shocks me the most. What kills me is that I [know] that many of the posts created on that account now have broken links!

It would take me weeks, if not months to go back in and fix many of those links. I had shut down my website and let go of the primary domain, which was Etsy at the time. While it certainly is an exciting development, the lesson I took from this will shape the way I go about content creation from that point forward.

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How to get new customers from linkedin organically
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How to get new customers from linkedin organically

With Linkedin you need to be patient and wait for "consumption cycles". This is a working theory that based upon algorithmic implementation, or human consumption behavior, there will be moments of "high-feeding". Many people give up on Linkedin and Instagram after having early success because they don't see the same results as they might have had early on. Perhaps no success at all. The key is to post content, write articles, share content, re-post content, and engage with others daily. Even if once in a day, or multiple times in a day.

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Known for his many creations, like the wildly popular Inspector Gadget, Andy Heyward has achieved a level of success that most can only dream of. You may not realize it, but it is highly likely that you’ve had the opportunity to enjoy one of his many creations. Recently, we had the opportunity to sit down and interview the living legend himself. He was kind enough to offer us guidance, mentorship, and thoughts on what’s necessary to be successful in today’s business world.

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After 50 million views in May, plus 95,000+ Reddit Karma, did any of the organic viral marketing turn into revenue?
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After 50 million views in May, plus 95,000+ Reddit Karma, did any of the organic viral marketing turn into revenue?

First, I'll start by saying I am not a marketing expert. I'm actually a designer by trade.

The goal of this opinion piece is to share to you what happens when you go super viral, and how it translates (or not) to bottom-line revenue.

So, I'll quickly detail what it did do, and what it didn't do for my business. So you can learn from my experience for your own business.

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Gaining organic growth on social media
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Gaining organic growth on social media

The original post on Reddit was in March 2024. In this I documented my journey in the social space generating about 20,000 views a day across multiple platforms. Now that number far exceeds this amount.

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How to get your first 1,000 users for your SAAS product
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How to get your first 1,000 users for your SAAS product

You've officially launched your new product on Product Hunt (or Kickstarter, or elsewhere?), and after a successful glow up you've acquired your first 100, or 1,000, maybe even 10,000 new users.

Of course, everyone's experience with this method of launch is different, but it's a fantastic way to get "early adopters" to use, test, and critique your tool.

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4 easy strategies to build a 6-7 figure agency
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4 easy strategies to build a 6-7 figure agency

Cold outreach has a VERY LOW chance of working. It certainly can work, but imagine you're not the only human on earth with this strategy. Conversion rates aren't going to be very high.

I get quite a few inbox messages offering services, which is great, but it begets the idea of being in a position of authority, which is what you're going to need to succeed in real life, or here on Reddit.

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I asked reddit how to build a dating app. it went viral
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I asked reddit how to build a dating app. it went viral

With over 2.6 million views, and almost 1,000 comments, needless to say the community had some amazing ideas on how to build an app. Match group could certainly learn a thing or two about using social media as a means of getting valuable information. Instead of getting into fine detail here, why don’t you join the discussion!

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An easier way to get customers for your startup, or business
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An easier way to get customers for your startup, or business

A great way to build a business both offline and online is to add value, into "value deserts". Consider a value desert to be a "gap" or void where someone has a desire to do something, or needs help, but they don't have the capability of doing it themselves.

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