How to get new customers from linkedin organically

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    Hello readers,

    This is Jay Whitley, and today I want to provide you with my thoughts on how to maximize your Linkedin usage to grow your SAAS, Agency, or e-commerce presence.

    In addition to the content (below), I have included a Loom explaining my thought process here.

    Growing on LInkedin

    With Linkedin you need to be patient and wait for "consumption cycles". This is a working theory that based upon algorithmic implementation, or human consumption behavior, there will be moments of "high-feeding". Many people give up on Linkedin and Instagram after having early success because they don't see the same results as they might have had early on. Perhaps no success at all. The key is to post content, write articles, share content, re-post content, and engage with others daily. Even if once in a day, or multiple times in a day.

    In fact, I had a huge month at the beginning of January 2024, and didn't have much action until a few days ago on June 01st! Is it because everyone decided to start logging into Linkedin in again randomly, or based upon some sort of algorithmic filter, which pushes, and holds content for particular users?

    (See January spike to June 01st, 2024 spike)

    A working theory

    This is still just a theory, and I have no evidence to back up my claims, but if you look at the data yourself, you may find what I say compelling! I have not referenced any information online about it (yet). The thesis is that as long as you are creating content that did well from when you began, until now, consistently without taking a break, then you should be seeing a boost in content consumption, lead generation and overall value from Linkedin as we speak!

    Another way to engage with Linkedin, and make the most of your time while on it are auto-connection campaigns. I use Dux-Soup for mine and have used many others in the past. It's a way to connect with others, perhaps not being too pushy, and when you have another high-consumption cycle, not only do you have a large audience to send content too, but the algorithm will push content out to their followers as suggested content. I find new content from random people who are 2nd, and 3rd-tier connections all of the time!

    In short, do not give up. Be patient. There are other platforms that give immediate feedback, while I would put Linkedin next to your SEO strategy (2 - 6 months out). Reddit can give you immediate feedback (today), but if you burn too bright, you will get the BAN HAMMER!

    If you have to start all over again, I suggest you do so. Just be ready for the long haul!

    I just added this full passage to my e-book The Growth Checklist. It details my process of generating 10,000 - 20,000 organic visitors to my website each month, with $0.00 spent on ads. If you would also like to achieve a similar result for your SAAS, or product, grab a discounted copy today (-40%)!


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