
Are You Missing Out On development Opportunities?

Every month you talk to hundreds of potential clients about development services. You spend many hours of your time hoping that the big project will land, but in-fact you find out through the grapevine that this project went to SOMEONE ELSE! DAMN! What a shame.

That’s ok, it happens to even the best companies. What if we told you that you there are a few tweaks you could make RIGHT NOW that could increase your client conversion rate dramatically?

Interested in learning more? GREAT, because below we’ve included 5 AMAZING things you can do to your landing page right now, to optimize conversion rates.

#1 - Provide Video Testimonials

Written testimonials don’t have the same impact that they used to because they are so easy to fake. Instill trust into your audience with video testimonials.

  • Call up your past clients and ask them for a huge favor; ask them for a short 30-second video.  If they ask for instructions on the video, ask them to explain the following:

    • How awesome you are to work with

    • How easy the development process was

    • How great your quality of work was

    • How they undoubtedly recommend you or your team

You don’t need more than two videos. In fact, some studies show that having more than three videos can negatively impact your conversion rates.

  • Make sure your call to action buttons are nearby your video testimonials.  Constantly remind your visitors that they have the option to sign-up or contact you the moment they warm up to your service.

#2 - Enhance Your Trust Signals

Let’s face it; people are wary of sketchy marketing, over-the-top claims, and well-designed websites that have the sole purpose of putting you on an email list. It’s imperative that you gain immediate trust with the appropriate trust signals.

  • As trivial as it is, people don’t link their social profiles to their pages. Make sure that they can easily access your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter if you have them. If you haven’t been active on your Facebook in a while:

    • Sign-up free to

    • Create 5 quick posts using their pre-built templates and your branding

    • Back-date the posts accordingly

  • Do not invent testimonials!

  • Don’t put your Social Media links in the footer if possible. They’ll distract users from the page’s goal, allowing them to abandon the page entirely.

  • Make sure your privacy policy is near your call to action. If you don’t have a privacy policy, go to to create one in minutes for free.

  • Does your ad copy inspire trust? Make sure that you’re offering something that isn’t too good to be true.

  • Include real-life results, guarantees, verifiable data, and relationships with higher-profile companies or figures if possible.

#3 - Provide Short, Clear Offer Headings

Can your customer look at your offering and instantly understand how you’ll guide them to become a hero? Remember, you’re not the hero in their story, you’re just the guide; be Yoda, not Luke.

  • Does your headline contain a challenge the audience faces or a benefit they can achieve? How does your customer’s story change when they use your service? Try to keep it under 7 words.

  • Try and make your meta description 150 characters or less; it’s not easy, but it’s worth distilling your message into something simple.

  • We’ve learned that people scan bulleted lists much more frequently than reading a line of text. Interestingly enough, having an odd number of bullet points typically leads to higher conversion rates. Three is suggested, five is ok, seven is over the top. Distill, distill, distill.

  • Cavemen should be able to understand how you’ll guide them to their desires. In general, try not to include writing that exceeds a 9th grader’s reading level.

  • If you can replace the text with images and still get your point across, then do it. People engage with video and pictures much more than text; you have alternate pages on your site dedicated to explaining those things in greater detail.

  • Each image should contribute to your customers own story narrative.


Experiment with your call to action buttons. You’ll find that they can make a huge difference in your conversion rate if you have everything above-taken care of.

  • Experiment with uppercase and lowercase text.

  • Stay away from generic wording like “Submit”. Use more descriptive phrases like “schedule consultation now” or “Join Now”.

  • Don’t use a color that is used elsewhere on your page. Experiment with green, yellow, or orange first.

  • Make sure your calls-to-action are everywhere on your page. It’s extremely rare that you’ll oversell your offering with too many CTA’s.

  • Experiment by adding arrows drawings pointed toward your CTA or form.

  • Create a sense of urgency to your CTA by adding “now”.

  • Always, always, always have your CTA directly above the fold. You should typically put this underneath your first paragraph or description.

#5 - Always Be Testing!

Consider yourself very lucky if your first landing page converts well. You need to be able to test your landing page in order to optimize everything that we stated above. That means you need to have transparency built into your website and that you have to start now!

  • Are you able to A/B test your landing pages to understand which ones are converting best? If not, you should start today. Platforms like or are perfect for this.

  • Test different ad copy for your headline, test different colors on your CTA, and test out your text on your CTA buttons.

  • Make sure you’re linked up with Google Analytics so you understand where your visitors are clicking and where they are dropping off. “Running Lean” by Ash Maurya has a great section on how to categorize and track your conversion funnel.

  • Try and test one variable at a time. Otherwise, you’ll have no idea which changes made the biggest impact.

That’s it! These five optimizations will guide you to higher conversion rates and help you stand out. Just believe in yourself, put in the work, and have the discipline to learn from your adjustments. We hope this helps you land the free opportunities we send your way.

Good luck!

PS — Throughout the month of May (2019) we will be giving out 10 free leads to all of our partner development firms who are interested in subscribing to our lead-gen program. click here to claim your free-trial offer.

Be sure to use promo code “10FREELEADS” upon checkout!

24 Hour Designs

Helping entrepreneurs around the world build disruptive software through world-class design.

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