4 easy strategies to build a 6-7 figure agency

Hey business partners,

If you are a software developer, agency, marketer, content strategist or a professional looking to grow, this is for you.

There are a few of you here that are similar to my background (which I will share below), and I genuinely want to help you succeed.

Cold outreach has a VERY LOW chance of working. It certainly can work, but imagine you're not the only human on earth with this strategy. Conversion rates aren't going to be very high.

I get quite a few inbox messages offering services, which is great, but it begets the idea of being in a position of authority, which is what you're going to need to succeed in real life, or here on Reddit.

Instead, I wanted to share a few tips with you today that can help you potentially bring in a few projects before the end of the month, and also strategies you can use online and offline that will help you long-term!

  1. Stay in a position of authority, always. It doesn't matter what type of agency you are building, if you want to have clients, make people come to you. I could be wrong here, but I never saw anyone advertising their services, just to land a fortune-100 company through those ads. If you want large budget projects talk less about your services, and more about the life, or career a person can have after being in business with you.

  2. Mix up your strategy. Creating short form content on social media is an approach, blogging on websites like Reddit and quora are pretty great, including your own website. Creating e-books with Chat GPT, while mixing it up with real experience and knowledge is pretty great. Also placing yourself on job placement sites like Upwork and Fivver will surely give you something. Lastly, partner with agency platforms like Bubble.io or Adalo.com, they have referral networks, which we receives tons of monthly emails on new project requests. There maybe other low-code platforms out there, so recommend them if I missed them.

  3. Know your strategy. Everyone's experience with this one will be different, but we almost never have projects that exceed $25,000.00 from online leads. They do get pretty high, but they are limited. Any project that has ultimately exceed $100,000, has been from a local handshake. It took many months of relationship building and socializing to get this type of work, it continue through referrals, and quite frankly wouldn't have happened without boots on the ground. By the way, these were not crowd-surfing contacts, we met them at local tech events in LA, NYC, SF, and also sponsored any event we attended. This made sure that the people who wanted to see us, saw us. You'll get lucky if you even find this type of client in the crowd, if not holed up in a booth, or blocked by other interested parties.

  4. EDIT: Location, location, location. If you're not in the US, you need to understand your market. The United States is sort of the wild west of business in my opinion. Everyone's looking to grow, build or do something. Europe moves a little slower, and I can speak really for Canada. Taxes and access to capital also play a big role in this. So if you're not in the US, get a partner, or work to better understand the sentiment of how people feel or do business.

There are a lot of other strategies out there, but I think this is a few tips that can help you get through the year and make big money if you solely focus on these strategies.

Who am I?

I've run my own app design / dev agency (24 Hour Designs) for the last 7 years, and was working in VC-backed startups and other agencies just prior. I have a few other business ideas that I am juggling around as well, as I like to build my own products.

I have services top clients such as Amazon, Costco, T-mobile, Sorrento Therapeutics, Universal Electronics, and many more top companies, universities and accelerators across the United States in my career.

Happy to help in anyway that I can! I do what you do, so this is not a promo post, just a support post.

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24 Hour Designs

Helping entrepreneurs around the world build disruptive software through world-class design.


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